Child Well-Being is Always Top Priority

  • Parents often carry different family knowledge and duties as part of their parenting routine
  • When families split, those responsibilities can stop being shared
  • A dangerous ‘information vacuum’ can take place
Handling finances is becoming more balanced, but still dominated by the father
According to a recent study by UBS Wealth Management
  • 56% of married women said they leave the financial decision making for the husband.
  • 85% of married women who stay out of long-term financial decisions believe their spouses know more about financial matters
  • 98% of divorcees and widows would advise other women to take an active role in finances now
But, for child care relating to medical matters – mom rules
Several studies indicate that the mother usually is the better or main organizer of children’s information and co-ordinator of children’s medical and dental routines.
  • One study shows that moms take their kids to the doctor about 90% of the time.
  • Another study even explains that there is a potential genetic link to parents taking on these specific roles in the family.
  • When families separate, shared responsibilities which were originally split, can become fragmented.
  • Information usually held by one parent, isn’t shared effectively, or properly retained by the other parent.
  • When it comes to medical information, vitals, and allergy information – anything that is missing or is hard to find, can pose a danger.

The Number One Reason to Use a Co-Parenting App

Storing, Sharing and Accessing Children’s ‘Vitals’
Having a common place where kids clothing sizes, prescriptions, blood-type and most importantly allergy and medical information, can reduce the risk of one-parent not having the right information at very important times.
  • Finding a common space to store, share and easily update children’s vital information should be a priority.
  • When sharing allergy information, provide all details of all allergies.  One parent may have gotten used to saying ‘my son has a nut allergy’ without having a full grasp of all of the food allergens involved.
  • Update and share the information regularly. Discuss and share ‘what to do’ scenarios if appropriate.
  • The ‘vitals’ information should be available on any mobile device at the touch of a button.
  • Parents should practice accessing this information on their app of choice periodically – as app designs, and accessibility may change over time.
Taking these simple pre-emptive steps can make the difference of managing an emergency properly
  • Do your homework, find a common co-parenting app that offers a place to store vitals and other important information.
  • Share with your co-parent
  • Update information regularly
If your child has unique medical or other information, letting one’s pride get in the way of using common tools with your co-parent to share that information accurately –  simply isn’t worth the risk.

Final Thoughts

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If you want to learn more about how SmartCoparent can help you store important child medical and other vitals, please check out our ‘Help’ article below or drop us note at

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