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Humans Are Funny Creatures

These species we call ‘humans’ are funny, unpredictable creatures.

Their paths start one way, take a turn for another, and then another, and so on and so forth.

Their lives are filled with joy, sadness, hope, fear, pride, disappointment, deception and faith. There are powerful experiences that can push and pull humans in all different, unpredictable directions – shaping their futures forever:

There is love and heartbreak.

There is fortune and poverty.

There is hope and despair

There is new life and deep loss.

We Live, Learn, Love Our Own Way

With the world turning ever artificially intelligent, and robotic, will there ever be tools that can predict how people will turn out? Or, how their personal lives will end up?

Not married





-and so on and so forth

So, how can AI really predict our paths, our future, our deep thoughts – our trials and tribulations?

It can’t.

For our little slice of the world, what if there was a free tool that could be useful for every stage of people’s lives, and not just a portion of it? How could this be better than what’s out there? We let the humans do it themselves. We give people the power to shape their connection circles, and their priorities in any customized way with endless possibilities, for any and every stage of their life. Period.

Humans and their paths are constantly changing. Some for the better, some for the worse. While most every human tries to learn and improve on what they experienced in their lives,  these events shape all of our lives in very different ways. That’s what makes us human.

Never change that about you, human. Always evolve, learn, love, lean on friends / family and good technology along the way.

Moiety is a free app for every stage of your life – and we’re coming to the Apple Store in a few weeks.

Check us out at


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