30-Day Money Back Refund

SmartCoparent offers a 30-day money back refund for Premium or Pro subscribers who request a refund within the first 30-days of their subscription.

To request a refund, simply follow the following steps:

1. Login to your account, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Family Profile’ and obtain your unique App ID found at the bottom of the screen. The id looks something like this: bl30000001…..

2. Send an e-mail to support@smartcoparent.com from the same e mail address that you subscribed with. Subject: ”Request Refund”

We will confirm receipt of your request and refund email. You will also receive a confirmation email once a credit has been issued to your credit card.


If you have any other questions, please contact us at support@smartcoparent.com.


Cancelling your Subscription


We’re sorry to see you go and would appreciate hearing about any problems with our service that are prompting your cancellation. Contact our founder directly at  greg@smartcoparent.com.


To cancel your subscription, please go to your account > Settings > Family Profile and click on ‘Request Cancellation’ at the bottom of the page.  On the following page, you will be asked to confirm the cancellation.

IMPORTANT: All of your data will be permanently deleted once you submit a cancellation. We recommend running activity history reports and / or downloading your support payment requests, expenses, etc.. before cancelling.

If you have any questions regarding our cancellation policy, please contact us at support@smartcoparent.com.